UNSTARRED QUESTION/ நட்சத்திரமிடப்படாத கேள்வி
Will the Minister of ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE be pleased to
(a) whether the Government has submitted any agenda and research papers in the recent
UN Climate Change Conference, COP26 held at Glasgow and if so, the details thereof
and the major decision taken therein and its impact on India;
(b) whether India being one of the largest emitter of carbon dioxide and green house
gases was directed by UN COP26 to adhere certain major changes in their Transport
Vehicle Policy and Energy Sector and if so, the details thereof;
(c) the effective measures taken by the Government to curb the prevailing environmental
issues and problems;
(d) the total estimated expenditure and the funds to be allocated in the next five years to
combat major environmental issues in the country;
(e) whether the Government has sought US Dollar one trillion as ‘Climate Finance’ in the
next ten years from the developed nations to fulfil India’s committed targets in
COP26 and if so, the details thereof and the response of the developed countries
thereto; and
(f) the details of five-fold plan of Green Assurance pledge by Prime Minister at COP26?
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