UNSTARRED QUESTION/ நட்சத்திரமிடப்படாத கேள்வி
Will the Minister of LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT be pleased to
(a)whether the Union Government has issued any advisory to the State Governments for strict enforcement of the ban on engaging children under 18 yrs. in beedi rolling in private and public dwelling, factories etc, under the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation Act 1986 and Juvenile Justice Act);
(b)if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;
(c)whether the Government is considering any proposal to declare beedi rolling as a hazardous process;
(d)if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;
(e)whether the Government has any new proposal for creating profitable and healthy alternative employment opportunities for the beedi workers and if so, the details thereof; and
(f)whether any proposal has been announced for women beedi workers to protect their health from the tobacco threat and to improve their standard of living in the society with dignity and if so, the details thereof?
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