UNSTARRED QUESTION/நட்சத்திரமிடப்படாத கேள்வி: 5545. DR. T. SUMATHY (A) THAMIZHACHI THANGAPANDIAN: SHRI SELVAM G.: Will the Minister of WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state: (a) whether various Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are working in the field of women and child development and receiving funds/grants from the Ministry; (b) if so, the details of such NGOs which have received grants-in-aid from the Union Government for the implementation of various schemes under the Ministry in their respective States during the last three years, State/UT-wise including Tamil Nadu; (c) whether there is a mechanism to monitor the utilization of grants-in-aid by the NGOs, and if so, the details thereof; (d) whether such mechanism has been effective and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; (e) whether the Government have evaluated and monitored the performance of these NGOs and if so, the details and the outcome thereof; and (f) whether many NGOs have been found to be non-performing and if so, the details thereof along with the action taken by the Government against such NGOs to prevent them from indulging into irregularities, State/UT-wise?
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