Title: Need to give priority to candidates from Tamil Nadu for recruitment in offices of the Government of India and Central Public Sector Undertakings by conducting examinations in the Tamil language



In a country like ours, adequate opportunities for people from all regions can only ensure better service delivery besides regional representation in Government jobs. Citizen-Centric Administration, the sine qua non of good governance, requires a free interface with the public and only people familiar with the local language and culture fulfill it. Tamil Nadu has comparatively more human resources with higher knowledge and skill that largely goes unutilized. The Annual Report of Staff Selection Commission for 2021-22 clearly indicates that qualified candidates from Tamil Nadu are just 4.5% of a total number of candidates selected. Similarly, in examinations conducted by Railway Recruitment Board during the previous year in the Southern Region, most of the candidates selected didn’t belong to Tamil Nadu. This skewed recruitment pattern is bound to have implications amongst socio-political circles and unemployed youth and must be avoided. Conducting examinations in the Tamil language will be helpful for the aspirants from Tamil Nadu for recruitment in offices of the Union Government and Central Public Sector Undertakings situated in Tamil Nadu. During the selection of ‘Act Apprentices’ for the railway establishment located in Tamil Nadu and for selection through direct recruitment under 20 percent reservation accorded, priority may be given to those belonging to Tamil Nadu to ensure regional representation.

Therefore, I urge the Union Government to provide priority to people from Tamil Nadu during appointments in Government of India offices and Central Public Sector Undertakings situated in Tamil Nadu for better public interface and to ensure regional representation.

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