Title : Regarding Mekedatu project-laid.
The proposed Mekedatu project would impound and divert the first component of uncontrolled flows due to Tamil Nadu, i.e. the flows coming in river Cauvery from the uncontrolled catchment of Kabini sub-basin downstream of Kabini reservoir, the catchment of mainstream of Cauvery river below Krishnarajasahara, uncontrolled flows from Simsha, Arkavathy and Suvernavathy sub-basins and various other small streams. Therefore, the implementation of Mekedatu project would certainly affect the interests of Tamil Nadu’s farming community.
While the drawl of water from the river for drinking water usage in Bengaluru Metropolitan City has been permitted by the Hon’ble Court, citing that as the reason for constructing such a major reservoir at Mekedatu, which is too far away from Bengaluru Metropolitan area does not sound valid. Further, when Karnataka already has adequate infrastructure for drawing drinking water to meet the demand of Bengaluru Metropolitan area even now, the justification of the need for a reservoir with a storage capacity of 67.16 TMC just to utilize 4.75TMC as drinking water is not at all acceptable. This would definitely jeopardize the availability of water to Tamil Nadu.
Therefore, I urge the Union Government to intervene in this crucial issue and instruct the Karnataka Government not to pursue the Mekedatu project.
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