Will the Minister of CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS be pleased to state:
(a) whether Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendra (PMBJK) generic drugs stores are
functional in all states of the country;
(b) if so, the number of Jan Aushadhi Kendra set up/functioning, State-wise;
(c) whether the Government has conducted any review of performance/functioning of PMBJK and
if so, the outcome of the said review along with the action/ steps taken thereon;
(d) the mechanism put in place to ensure availability of the medicines at each of the said stores
(e) whether it is true that JASs do not keep lifesaving medicines and poor and middleclass are
finding it difficult to buy such medicines by paying huge money from regular chemist shops;
(f) efforts being made to make available life-saving drugs in JASs;
(g) whether the Government have any issues and problems in setting up more Janaushadhi Kendras
in every district of the country to provide genuine medicines at affordable cost and if so, the
district-wise details thereof;
(h) the effective steps taken by the Government to increase the number of Janaushadhi Kendras in
every district of the country and the total expenditure incurred and funds allocated, disbursed and
spent for Janaushadhi Kendras in the country;
(i) the timeline of new Janaushadi Kendras and warehouse units opened in the country, yearwise
and statewise since the inception;
(j) the total coverage of medicines and surgical items provided by Janaushadhi Kendras. Any
expansion of coverage that is being considered and the details thereof and the policy of distribution
of medicines and surgical items across the States. How is equitable distribution of medicines
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