UNSTARRED QUESTION/ நட்சத்திரமிடப்படாத கேள்வி
Will the Minister of LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT be pleased to state:
(a)whether the Government has any proposals or schemes for women
beedi workers and their children addressing their health, education
and wellbeing concerns are in pipeline with the Government, if so, the
details thereof and if not, the response of the Government thereto
along with plan to implement any such proposal to support the beedi
workers for their empowerment and protecting their rights in future;
(b)whether it is a fact that more than 8 million beedi workers, most of
them women are in distressed condition and currently agitating for
their long standing demands;
(c)if so, the details thereof and Government’s response thereto;
(d)the details of the steps taken or proposed to be taken by the
Government to improve condition of these women beedi workers and
to provide training in less hazardous condition for better paying jobs;
(e)the current welfare schemes available for the beedi workers;
(f)whether the Government has received any proposal to carry out an
impact study of these schemes available for the beedi workers and
whether these schemes are reaching them on ground level; and
(g)if so, the number of beedi workers benefited by the schemes during the
last three years, Statewise?
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