UNSTARRED QUESTION / நட்சத்திரமிடப்படாத கேள்வி Will the Minister of SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT be pleased to state : (a)Whether the Government has not formulated the policy for the scheme for transgender persons despite previous budgets allocating money under this head since 2016-2017 and utilizing money under this head since 2018-2019 ; (b)if so , the details thereof and the reasons therefor; (c)the time by which the Government is likely to formulate the above-stated scheme along with the reasons for allocating only Rs 20 crores under the scheme "comprehensive Rehabilitation for the welfare of Transgender persons" (d)whether the Government has undertaken any studies before finalizing this amount and if so,the details thereof ; (e)whether RS 4.5 cr were utilized out which Rs 1.50 cr was released to the National Backward classes finance and development corporation (NBCFDC) and Rs one crore was released to the National Institute of Social Defence (NISD) IN 2019-20 budget,and (f) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor along with the manner in which the Government spent the remaining two crores
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