Regarding waste generated by Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant since the year 2013
Sir, I would like to
quote verbatim from the reply of the Hon. Minister regarding this question. It says
“Further technologies for separation, partitioning and burning of
waste are being developed in the country which will further bring
down the quantity of radioactive waste.”
Does it mean that it is still in the offshoot stage? I would now quote the second
sentence. “Considering the small quantity of radioactive waste, there is no need
for Deep Geological Repository in the near future.”
I feel that it is unfair to decide about the necessity of a repository considering the quantity of radioactive waste. Any day, an atomic reactor is like a Damocles Sword hanging over you. We have had the worst examples from Bhopal. You have to take up this issue very seriously and provide a double-guarded repository place for the waste and also take steps for the construction of DGR without considering the quantity as a standard. I would like the hon. Minister to give a convincing reply to this question.
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