Title: Regarding the revamping of Distribution sector scheme.
Thank you, hon. Speaker Sir, for allowing me to raise an important issue and also to make a submission.
The Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (TANGEDCO), being a DISCOM, was sanctioned Rs. 30,230 crore as special long-term transition loan by the Power Finance Corporation and the Rural Electrification Corporation.
Sir, due to high rate of interest, that is, 12.65 per cent per year, the projects are becoming unviable. In order to make the projects viable, the rate of interest should be reduced to 9 per cent, in line with the banks.
Sir, in the Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme, even though the Part B work was completed by TANGEDCO, an amount of Rs. 1300 crore was not converted from loan to grant due to non-completion of Part A (IT Infrastructure works). This happened even after the court gave its ruling in favour of TANGEDCO.
Hence, I would like to make the following requests with regard to the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme. As per the guidelines, 33/11 SS system has been provided. It is requested to approve 110/22 KV SS system where the 33/11 KV system is not available. Further, 110/33 KV SS system needs to be approved due to non-availability of 33 KV source for the newly proposed 33/11 KV SS.
As regards the Feeder/DT Metering works, a provision for inclusion of additional features such as MCB, etc. in the LT side may be approved to avoid accidents. Also, a Partial TOTEX model may be permitted and approved for DT and Feeder Metering.
Therefore, I urge the Government to accord approval to the request made by the Government of Tamil Nadu in this regard, and also, I wish to thank them for responding to the letter written in this same regard by the hon. Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, our Thalapathi, Mr. M.K. Stalin.
VIDEO LINK: https://sansad.in/getFile/AVDebatesclips/videogallery/videos/video15503.mp4?source=memberslsmedia
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