Title: Combined Discussion on Statutory Resolution regarding Disapproval of Homoeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 (Ordinance No. 6 of 2020) and Homoeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (As Passed By Rajya Sabha) and Statutory Resolution regarding Disapproval of Indian Medicine Central Council (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 (Ordinance No 7 of 2020) and Indian Medicine Central Council (Amendment) Bill, 2020 (As Passed By Rajya Sabha) (Statutory Resolution – Negatived and Government Bill – Passd).
Hon. Speaker, Sir, I rise to oppose these two Bills – the Indian Medicine Central Council (Amendment) Bill, 2020 and the Homoeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Bill,2020. My objections regarding the first Bill is that it is a direct assault on the State’s right. This Bill is one in the line of many of the other Acts that this Government has introduced to appropriate more power to itself under its ‘one nation, one policy’.
Sir, the Central Council for Indian Medicine, CCIM, which this Bill seeks to dissolve, was a democratic body constituted by the Indian Parliament where the States were represented through elected Members and were able to iron out problems associated with the ISM system. However, now owing to clause 3A, Members will now be nominated by the Central Government and this democratic system will come to an end.
Sir, again even the Standing Committee had recognized the specific healthcare issues and challenges of every State. How can this Bill address these specific State issues when the Council is being replaced by bureaucrats? As has been said by the hon. Member, Dr. Shashi Tharoor, I must reiterate that we must give importance to the fact that health is a State subject and medical education is a Concurrent subject.. You have to give equal responsibility to the States in this arena.
Sir, here, I have to make some suggestions. There are, at present, more than 200 Ayurveda colleges. There is a Central Council Research in Ayurveda and Siddha and similar Councils for Unani, Homoeopathy, Yoga and Naturopathy. These could have been clubbed together to make it an Institution of National Importance.
Sir, I am, now, coming to the Homoeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Bill. Tamil Nadu is a pioneering State in Homoeopathy System of Medicines. In Tamil Nadu, there are 20,000 doctors registered in the Council after passing the degree/diploma from recognized Homoeopathy Medical Colleges in India and having a thoroughly successful practice. Though India is becoming the global hub for homoeopathic education and training, what we see today is a progressive deterioration of quality due to myopic implementation of educational standards.
Sir, I find one of the biggest lacunae in this Bill. When the AYUSH system is in such a grave situation, it is surprising, how the National Medical Commission Bill would allow practitioners of alternative medicines like Homoeopathy and Ayurveda to practice modern medicine after attending a short-term ‘bridge’ course. This is a very grave lacunae and I would like to hon. Minister to consider it. Since the hon. Minister is here, I have got two requests to make. I would like to urge the Union Government to allocate Rs. 100 crore for the development of National Institute of Siddha in Chennai; and I would request to Government to create medicinal plants and herbal parks in Kolli Hills, Kuttralam, Yelagiri hills and Hogenakkal in Tamil Nadu.
I would also urge the Government to give more funds and a free hand to State Governments, which create, govern, and protect the AYUSH colleges and dispensaries in Tamil Nadu.
With these words, I conclude. Thank you very much.
VIDEO LINK: https://sansad.in/getFile/AVDebatesclips/videogallery/videos/video7745.mp4?source=memberslsmedia
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