Hon. Speaker, Sir, the answer given by the hon. Minister regarding the statistics of drop-outs seem to be very convincing, but I would like to ask the hon. Minister, through you, whether
he is aware of the suicides committed by the students in the IITs. Recently also, we have had a case in the Chennai IIT. Is the hon. Minister aware of such cases because that also can be considered as drop-outs? I would like to ask the hon. Minister, through you, what steps are taken in such cases. Those cases are testimonial evidence of students being subjected to psychological tensions, either by the academic professor or by the peers. So, I would like to know from the hon. Minister, through you, what his take on these cases is.
VIDEO LINK: https://sansad.in/getFile/AVDebatesclips/videogallery/videos/video1977.mp4?source=memberslsmedia
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