Title: Need to construct a full-fledged multi-specialty government hospital in Sholinganallur, Tamil Nadu.
Dr. T.Sumathy (a) Thamizhachi Thangapandian (CHENNAI SOUTH):
The East Coast Road (ECR), State Highway 49, was the cynosure of all eyes during the visit of our dear Hon. Prime Minister to Chennai, Tamil Nadu. It is very scenic and beautiful. But it is one of the most accident-prone fatal roads in Tamil Nadu, particularly in the Chennai area. The reason for the accident was high speeding, deep bends, black spots, and rampant encroachments on both sides of the ECR. Though there are many reasons, the main cause for fatality is lack of a full-fledged hospital with real trauma and emergency care. In 2016, the fatality rate in Tamil Nadu has been reported at 17000 which has alarmingly increased by 2019. There is already an existing Government hospital with seven beds at Injambakkam. But that is not a full-fledged hospital which cannot cater to the needs of an emergency.
Sir, so, through you, I would like to request to insist upon the State Government through the Central Government to construct a full-fledged multi-specialty Government hospital in Cholinganallur in my constituency for the sake of the people of Tamil Nadu.
VIDEO LINK : https://sansad.in/getFile/AVDebatesclips/videogallery/videos/video334.mp4?source=memberslsmedia
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